Carpet Care and Tips


 Carpet Care

Learn carpet cleaning best practices to extend the life of your carpet.

Carpet Cleaning Secrets

Learn practical carpet cleaning secrets to keep your carpet looking its best.

Carpet Cleaning Spots

Stains are inevitable, so learn how to combat those stubborn carpet spots.

Removing Pet Urine

Here are 10 practical tips for removing pet urine and odor from your carpet.

Carpet Care

Carpet Stain Cleaners Redding

Stay Calm! You Can Still Get That Clean Carpet Back!

More often than not, the occasional spill or inadvertent spot on your carpet and upholstery can be cleaned without causing any permanent markings or leaving lasting blemishes on the fibers. Most of the significant damage comes from misguided cleaning attempts after the spill has been made. If you are facing a stain emergency, simply take our advice and follow the steps below for immediate cleanup. If you have any trouble, feel free to give us a call; we will be glad to help walk you through the process.

Certain carpet and upholstery fibers are more prone to stain than others. When a stain happens, a colored substance actually binds permanently to the fiber of a textile, making it very difficult, if not impossible, to remove. In most instances, a stain occurs the moment the spill happens, and the speed with which you attempt to remove it doesn’t make a difference.

Your best plan of attack is to completely absorb as much of the liquid as possible. If you find that a discoloration or residue remains, having a professional come and clean it within 36 hours will generally be just fine.


Liquid Spill

In the event of a spill, you will often have the good fortune of the liquid simply beading up on the outside of the fabric rather than actually binding to it. The best method for cleaning in this situation is to lay an absorbent towel across the top of the problem area. More often than not, the towel will prove to be a better landing spot for the liquid than your carpet or upholstery. Never push your towel into the spill, as this will only nudge the liquid deeper into the fabric. Attempting to emphatically rub the spot can permanently damage the textile

While it is rarely a good idea to use water when cleaning upholstery, water can generally be used successfully in rinsing spots on carpet. Simply apply the water sparingly and then gently dab the dampened area with an absorbent towel.

Semi-Liquid Spill

Always give priority to spills containing more thickened substances (such as food). You never want to press the spill deeper into the fibers of your carpet or upholstery. Follow the same procedures as you would with a liquid substance, applying a towel and then, if on carpet, rinsing lightly with water.

Dry Spill

Remove the spill excess, taking care not to push any of the material deeper into your textile. Next, vacuum the problem area. A quality vacuum should successfully part the carpet as you pass, allowing the suction to remove any particles nestled deep inside.

Carpet Stain Removers Redding

Carpet Cleaning Secrets

No matter how hard you always try to clean your carpet, it will still be vulnerable to spills, drops, accidents and anything that you might have stepped on with your shoes.

The best way of dealing with dab stains is blotting using a clean cloth and a clean solution, towels, paper or a sponge. This is because blotting soaks up the stain by putting a small amount of pressure on it.

Secret #1

Rubbing can lead to the inopportune breakdown of the carpet fibers because it makes the particles settle down on them {the fibers of the carpet}. Blotting should also be done from the outside of the stain inward, as doing it outward might cause the stain to spread to other places.

Secret #2

Chewing gum is thrown carelessly on the streets, and you might accidentally step on it. Well, that might not seem to be the problem until you carry the sticky mess to your carpet. A couple of ice cubes from your freezer, frozen on the gum for about 30 seconds might be a good solution for getting it out of your carpet. Lift up the glob with a spoon once it has been frozen out and cut the carpet's strands just where the gum is. Do it without making the spot noticed.

Secret #3

The myth that club soda can kill stains caused by either wine or beer is true, but only when used effectively. Use a piece of cloth dipped in the soda to blot the stained region. If that fails, then you can blend one part water and one part vinegar into a handheld sprayer.

The solution should then be sprayed on the affected part of the carpet and be allowed to stay for a period that does not exceed 15 minutes and not less than 10 minutes. After that, soak up the stain and the solution by pressing a clean sponge on to the affected region.

The expert suggests that this process might be repeated, especially if the stain does not disappear on the first attempt. Use warm water to rinse the area once the stain has disappeared. Brush the strands of the carpet to their appropriate direction using your own hands, before you place while paper towels over the spot. This is done to ensure that the carpet's dampness is effectively absorbed. The towels should stay there until the carpet is dry, which might take an entire day.

Secret #4

We also suggested that normal shaving cream is one of the best cleaners against most stains. As a matter of fact, this cream is capable of getting rid of any kind of stain. The cream should be applied to the stain, directly, and allowed to stay there for close to 30 minutes. Use a dry white piece of cloth to blot the cream away once it has set. Conclude the whole process by mixing one part vinegar and one part water and spraying it on the area. You can then use a piece of cloth to wipe away the solution.

Secret #5

Candles can act as a cheaper and an alternative source of light, but there are other costs you might be forced to pay especially if the wax drips on the carpet. The wax has a tendency of drying and getting embedded faster, and so it should be removed before late.
v Heating it back to get it out is one way. You can use an iron to warm it up by placing a white cloth over it. Once the wax has been warmed, you can then use a butter knife to scrape it off.

Upon the conclusion of that, place a paper towel over the main surface region and then iron it. The wax will melt and bind to the towel paper and so it will disappear just within a few processes.

It is however very imperative to note that the iron should not be used in this manner for more than thirty seconds as that might even burn the carpet. We insist on the use of white towels and white cloth since the colored ones can move the color to the carpet especially when heated up.

Secret #6

There are certain grease stains that are naturally difficult to clean, but with a drop of dishwashing detergents such as Joy, the problem can be solved within seconds. The solution should be sprayed on the stain using a spray bottle before it is bolted up. For relatively larger stains, this should be done more than once.

Carpet Spot Removers Redding

 Carpet Spots

So you've spilled something on that beautiful carpet, and now it's stained. You clean it thoroughly, and the stain disappears, all is well again. Except in a few days, you notice yet another spot, the stain has returned! How could this have happened? Stains don't usually reappear, especially not after the scrubbing you gave it. The truth is, stains can come back to life due to soiling or wicking. So what are these, and how do we treat them?


Soiling is what happens when residues from the carpet cleaner work their way into the fibers of your carpet. As strange as it sounds, removing one stain can often leave another. Any carpet that isn't rinsed well enough will ultimately attract dirt and soil in the same area as the original stain, leaving what looks like the same spot you just cleaned.


The second cause of stains making a comeback is known as wicking. Wicking is simply when the spilled substance has made its' way into the backing of the carpet or the under pad in some instances. Cleaning the stain only treats the surface of the carpet. More often than not, the stain is still present in the backing, which can then be reabsorbed onto the carpet's surface. The fiber strands act much like a candle's wick, giving the stain a way to travel back to the surface, which gives wicking its name.

Wicking is most common when the carpet is wet, say you are steam cleaning your carpet. Most of the steam cleaning units are not strong enough to completely dry the carpet, and wet fibers cause wicking.

Proper Prevention for Carpet Stains and Spots

Be certain that all spills are cleaned up as soon as they occur. The longer you wait, the more the substance will seep into the carpet. Place some paper towels or even a bath towel over the spot and ensure that it is weighed down, this will help the carpet dry faster. For better results, consider adding some plastic wrap between the towel and weight, this helps absorb any additional moisture. Fans can also help your carpet dry faster and prevent wicking.

Of course, you can always opt to have your carpet treated professionally. The majority of cleaners have the equipment necessary to clean and properly dry your carpet.

Removing Stains Permanently

What's the best remedy for keeping that stain gone? It all varies depending on how much you've spilled and what caused the stain to come back. There are different methods for wicking and soiling.

Treatment for Soiling

If soiling is to blame for the stain making a comeback, put a bit of lukewarm water on the stain spot. Use as much as you need, bigger stains will require more water. But make sure to never use more than one-fourth of a cup. It is important that you are just treating the stain and not soaking the under padding of the carpet. Water will help clean the fibers of the residue.

And of course, dry as much as you can! Using the instructions mentioned above; add paper or cloth towels with weight and leave them to dry, preferably overnight. If you have fans, use them. The last thing anyone wants is a stained carpet and mold because of moisture!

Handling Wicking

If you think the spot came back, and it wasn't because of residue, it's safe to say that wicking is the culprit. Treat the spot like any other stain, and then add the stacks of towels and weights. Give it around a day, and be sure to properly dry the area after wards.

If the stain is still there after this, or if the spill area is quite large, your next safest option is to have your carpet professionally cleaned with hot water extraction. Always find a carpet cleaner that is well reviewed, and look for companies that have a truck-mounted unit, as these are often stronger than the portable cleaning equipment.

Powerful Methods for the Toughest Carpet Stains

If you are still having trouble, it's time to use stronger methods. We recommend pulling the carpet back so the pad and sub-floor can dry. If your spill occurred near the wall, this isn't all that necessary. However, most spills happen towards the center of the room, and can be major issues for carpeting and sub-floors. This is an adequate method for any middle of the room spills.

Once you've allowed everything to dry (carpet, sub-floor and carpet pad), it is time to have the carpet reinstalled. If you had to remove most of your carpet from the floor, it's recommended to have a professional carpet installer put your carpet back. Carpets can be tricky to install and need to be re-stretched. Once the carpet is finally back, feel free to treat the stain as normal.

Pet Urine Cleaners Redding

 Removing Pet Urine

Pets are mysterious creatures and, unfortunately, we cannot always determine why they do particular things. This is no different regarding why felines sometimes choose not to use their litter box. For example, they could be sick, the box could be too dirty or the cat may be upset. While it is always important to consult your vet regarding possible reasons why your pet is choosing not to use the litter box, there are some things you can do to the urine stains in the meantime. With this said, here are ten simple tips for cleaning your cat's urine and preventing having to get rid of the piece of furniture in question; you don't want to have to get rid of the perfectly good love seat, do you?


Tip #1

Use a paper towel to blot up the urine. You can also use a cloth towel or some old clothes that you can easily dispose of. If the urine is on the carpet, try standing on the wet spot while wearing shoes.

Tip #2

Do not rub the pet urine stain. If the stain is dry, you should pour cold water on it and then blot the stain.

Tip #3

Do not use detergents with ammonia on the urine stain. Since ammonia smells like urine, it may entice the cat to pee on the spot again.

Tip #4

Use a cleaning product from your pet store or a homemade mixture made out of household items. Before using them on a large stain, you should test the aforementioned products or mixtures on a small stain.

Tip #5

A good homemade mixture to use includes vinegar since it effectively kills bacteria. Mix ½ cups of warm water with ½ cups of vinegar. You should pour the mixture on the stain and let it soak for a few minutes. But, keep in mind to not use the mixture on marble or stone.

Tip #6

Once whatever mixture you decide to use is dry, sprinkle baking soda on the area. Do not be afraid to use a lot of baking soda.

Tip #7

Another interesting mixture uses ¾ cups of three percent hydrogen peroxide along with a single teaspoon of dish detergent. Sprinkle the solution on top of the baking soda. After testing it on a small spot, try to work the baking soda into the fabric that contains the stain.

Tip #8

Then, after letting it dry for a few hours, vacuum the rest of the baking soda. If the spot does not disappear, try doing the process all over again.

Tip #9

If this doesn't sound like your style, try using a more commercial product. Try using cleaners that advertise that they contain enzymes, as they tend to disintegrate the urine and remove the smell. However, be sure to follow the directions very closely.

Tip #10

Losing sight of the stain does not mean that it doesn't smell. You should always try to deodorize. You should try using baking soda in a mixture of water and some sort of detergent to try to minimize the odors made by the urine.